Kim Adis is a talented actress from the Philippines who has made a name for herself in Hollywood. She has wowed audiences with her brilliant acting for many years. She has become a household name. Born in January 10, 1993, making her 31 years old in 2024. Kim started her career young and has appeared in various popular movies and TV shows. She released her latest project, The Complex, in 2020. It got great reviews from critics and fans.

She has a net worth of approximately $5.5 million. Kim has a charming personality. She gives captivating performances. Kim Adis has captured the hearts of many. She has a successful career. But, she also values her family and has a close relationship with them. With a stunning appearance, standing at 5 feet 5 inches and weight 60 kilograms.

Who is Kim Adis?

Kim Adis is a shining star from the Philippines who loves to act in movies and TV shows. Imagine playing pretend, but on big screens where many people can see you – that’s what Kim does! She was born on January 10, 1993, which makes her part of the Hollywood world. Kim has been in a cool movie called The Complex, which is.

People liked it! She’s like a magician, but she brings stories to life instead of pulling rabbits out of hats. Kim isn’t about acting; she also loves spending time with her family, who are very important to her. So, think of Kim as a storytelling hero who loves family time.


Category Details
Full Name Kim Adis
Date of Birth January 10, 1993
Age (2024) 31 years old
Nationality Filipino
Career Actress
Notable Work The Complex (2020)
Net Worth Approximately $5.5 million
Height 5 feet 5 inches
Weight 60 kilograms
Early Life Grew up in the Philippines, developed an early interest in acting through school plays and imagination
Education Completed basic education, involved in school plays
Family Supportive parents, grew up with siblings (details not widely known)
Personal Life Private about dating status and any potential husband
Social Media Active on Instagram and Twitter, shares career updates and personal moments
Hobbies Drawing, Reading, Cooking, Traveling, Playing with Pets
Favorite Things Enjoys movies, has a favorite color and food, dreams of visiting a special place, has a favorite song
Interesting Facts Skilled at making funny faces, enjoys dancing, has a secret favorite superhero, once had a pet rock, dreams of flying a kite
Future Plans Aims to take on more acting projects, travel, and continue personal and professional growth

Early Life and Education

Kim Adis grew up in the sunny Philippines. It’s a beautiful place with many islands and smiling faces. As a little girl, she was always energetic and loved to play pretend, which was like her first step into acting. Kim went to school, like most kids, where she learned how to read, write, and do math. But her days were extra special when she could act in school plays. She loved being on stage, making people smile and feel emotions.

Her teachers and friends saw her shine whenever she performed. Even when she was a kid, it was clear that Kim had a spark for acting. She worked hard at school, always curious and eager to learn new things. It’s because she knew it was the key to following her dreams.

Kim Adis Parents and Siblings

Kim Adis has a special family who loves and supports her. She grew up in the Philippines with her parents and some brothers or sisters. Like your family, they’ve had fun, shared stories, and helped each other. Kim’s parents always cheered for her, from her first school play to big movies. It’s like having your very own cheerleading team at home.

That’s how Kim feels with her family by her side. They’re like a team, always there for each other through thick and thin. Even though we don’t know their names or if she has brothers or sisters who play tag with her, they mean a lot to Kim.

Kim Adis Husband and Boyfriend

Kim Adis is known for bringing characters to life. People are curious about who she might be dating or if she has a special someone. It’s like when you have a best friend you do everything with; people want to know if Kim has a person like that. But, Kim likes to keep parts of her life private. So, she hasn’t shared much about having a boyfriend or husband.

It’s important to remember that, like in school, where some things are personal, it’s the same for Kim. She can decide whether to share. You can choose to tell your friends.

Kim Adis Age, Weight, Height, and Physical Appearance

Kim Adis was born on January 10, 1993, making her 31 years old in 2024, which means she’s grown up! You can figure out how old she is if you’re good at math. But remember, ages change every year because everyone has a birthday. Kim also takes care of herself, like how you might eat fruits and vegetables to grow strong.

With a stunning appearance, standing at 5 feet 5 inches and weighing 60 kilograms. We don’t know exactly how tall or how much she weighs because that’s her private information. But what we do know is that Kim looks wonderful on screen. Her bright smile lights up the room, and her style is pretty cool. She feels happy and confident, which is the best look anyone can have.

Kim Adis Before Fame

Kim Adis became a star on the big movie screens, she’d been a kid with a big imagination. In her home country, the Philippines, Kim loved to play. She pretended she was different characters from stories and movies. This was like her first step into acting. She didn’t have all the fancy costumes or cameras. But, she had her imagination. It was super powerful.

Kim would gather her friends and put on little shows, making up stories and bringing them to life. It wasn’t about the applause or the lights back then; it was about having fun and being creative. When she pretended to be someone else, she was learning and getting better. She was ready for the big world of acting. Kim’s journey to becoming an actress started with simple, happy moments. They were moments of play and pretend.

Kim Adis Career

Kim Adis has been in movies and TV shows that many people love watching. Think of her as a superhero in the acting world! She’s got to pretend to be different people in stories. She shows us adventures and emotions on the screen. One of her big roles was in “The Complex” in 2020.

This movie was like a big playground for Kim, where she could show off her amazing acting skills. For example, when you play different characters during your playtime. Kim does the same, but on a much bigger stage. Every time she acts, she’s telling us a story with her expressions and voice.

Kim Adis Net Worth

Kim Adis does an amazing job, they’ve gotten something called “net worth.” Think of it as a big piggy bank that grows when an actor works hard and stars in many films and shows. Kim’s piggy bank has grown because she’s been in cool projects like “The Complex” and others. She is worth approximately $5.5 million.

We don’t know the size of her piggy bank. It’s her private treasure. But, it’s safe to say it’s big! This piggy bank helps her care for her family, buy things she loves, and save for a rainy day. Imagine having a piggy bank that gets bigger every time you do a great job at something that’s how it works for Kim.

Kim Adis Future Plains

Kim Adis is dreaming up big plans for the future. For example, when you imagine what you want to be when you grow up, Kim is doing the same. She wants to be in more movies and tell stories that make people smile, laugh, and even cry a little, but in a good way. Kim hopes to travel to new places, meet new friends, and learn new things she can use in her acting.

She’s like a detective, always looking for the next big adventure or mystery to solve on screen. Imagine being able to play dress-up and pretend every day and make those dreams help you grow. That’s what Kim wants to do, always finding new ways to share her talent with the world.

Social Media Presence

Kim Adis is popular on the internet. Some of your friends might be good at playing games online, and everyone knows them. She uses websites like Instagram and Twitter. On them, she shares pictures and talks about her day. It’s like showing your friends a cool drawing. On these sites, she also tells us about the movies she’s acting in. She sometimes shares fun moments from her life, like a mini-diary everyone can read.

People enjoy seeing what Kim is up to because she does many fun things and goes on cool adventures. It’s like she’s inviting us to be a part of her journey, even if we’re seeing it through a screen. So, following Kim online is like being friends with someone who’s always on an adventure.


 Drawing Kim likes to create pictures, of places she’s been or dreams about going. Imagine using many colors to make something beautiful.

Reading Books take her on adventures without leaving home. She can visit magical lands or meet interesting characters by turning the pages.

Cooking Kim enjoys making delicious foods. It’s like a magic potion where you mix things and get something yummy to eat.

Traveling She loves to explore new places. It’s like going on a treasure hunt but for new sights and experiences, not gold.

Playing with Pets If Kim has a furry friend, playing with them is a joy. It’s like having a buddy who’s always happy to see you. Kim’s hobbies show she’s like us, enjoying simple things that make life fun.

Favorite Things

 Movies Kim enjoys watching movies a lot! It’s like when you watch your favorite cartoons, but she watches all kinds of stories.

Color She has a favorite color, which makes her smile whenever she sees it. Imagine having a color that makes you super happy.

Food like how pizza or ice cream can be the best part of your day, Kim has a favorite food that she loves to eat.

Place to Visit There’s a special place Kim dreams of visiting or loves going to. It’s like your favorite playground, but it could be anywhere worldwide.

Song Kim has a song that she listens to , like when you have a tune you hum or dance to all the time.

Interesting Facts About

  • Kim Adis has a secret talent: she’s good at making funny faces! Imagine being able to look super silly on purpose.

  • She loves to dance, even when there’s no music playing. Picture yourself wiggling and jiggling around because it’s fun.

  • Kim has a favorite superhero, but she keeps it a mystery. It’s like having a best friend in the world of comics that only you know about.

  • She once had a pet rock. Yes, a rock! She painted and named it, showing you can find friends in the most unexpected places.

  • Kim dreams of learning to a kite. Picture her running across a field on a windy day, laughing and chasing after a colorful kite in the sky.


Do you have questions about Kim Adis?

You’re in the right spot! Sometimes, how old she is or what movies she’s been in. Well, Kim was born in January 10, 1993 , which means she gets to blow out birthday candles and make a wish every year.

If you love watching movies or TV shows, you might have seen her in “The Complex in 2020. It’s like when you find your favorite cartoon character in a new episode! Also, people often ask if Kim has a favorite game or toy.

She hasn’t told us exactly. But, she loves doing fun things like drawing and reading. It’s almost like having a treasure chest of hobbies. So, if you’re curious about Kim, remember she’s a lot like you. She has favorites and dreams, living them out on the big screen.


In our journey learning about Kim Adis, we have seen a world filled with movies and fun hobbies. It is a world with dreams like yours. She has gone from acting on big screens to playing with pets. Kim shows us that following your passion and having fun is super important.

Kim does too, but in her world of acting and storytelling. Like Kim, everyone has unique talents. They also have favorite things that make them happy. So, dream big, stay curious, and who knows? One day, you’ll share your own story.

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