Martina Smith is a popular Colombian TikToker. She has taken the social media world by storm with her fun lip-syncs and dance videos. Born on August 14, 1993, in Colombia, Martina is currently 31 years old as of 2024. Her content is captivating. She has over 440,000 followers on her TikTok account, msmartinasmith1.1. She also shares stunning modeling photos on her Instagram page with the same handle. Martina rose to fame due to her relatable, funny videos. One went viral in September 2022 and got over 10 million views.

Despite her busy schedule, she also manages to care for her appearance. She has seen Dr. Anita Vergara for facial fillers. Martina’s parents are Edward Cornelius Smith and Julia A. Smith. They have supported her journey. Martina is 5 feet 4 inches tall and her weight is 64kg. She has gained a huge following and an estimated net worth of $1 million. It’s a pleasure to learn more about this talented TikTok star!

Who is Martina Smith?

Martina Smith is a bright and fun lady from Colombia who loves to make people smile. She makes cool videos where she pretends to sing and dance, and shares them on a place called TikTok. A lot of people, like more than 400,000, enjoy watching her because she’s good at making fun clips.

Martina also likes to show off her fashion style in pictures on Instagram. She started showing her pictures online in 2021. Martina has made a very popular video once, where over 10 million people watched it. She’s like a happy, dancing star on the internet!


Martina Smith
Date of Birth
August 14, 1993
31 years old as of 2024

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Real Name

Martina Smith is the name everyone knows her by, but it’s not a cool nickname. It’s her real name! Like you might have a name that your friends and family call you, Martina’s real name is Martina Smith too. She shares this name with her parents, Edward Cornelius Smith and Julia A.

Smith, who thought this beautiful name was perfect for her. So, whenever you hear “Martina Smith,” remember, that’s her actual name, not a name for the internet. This possession is unique because it belongs only to her identity. Your name holds significance, symbolizing your individuality.

Early Life and Education

Martina Smith grew up in a sunny place called Colombia. When she was a little girl, like you, she loved to dance and play. Martina went to a school where she learned many things, just like you do in your school. She made lots of friends and was always smiling.

Martina loved music and drawing pictures too. Her teachers and friends liked her because she was kind and funny. She worked hard at her studies and always tried to do her best. Even when she was young, Martina knew she loved to entertain people. She was always the star of the school play!

Parents and siblings.

Martina Smith has a mom named Julia A. Smith and a dad named Edward Cornelius Smith. Like your mom and dad, they love her very much and are always there for her. Martina might not talk about brothers or sisters, which means she could be an only child.

Imagine having all your toys to yourself and not having to share! Her mom and dad are important people in her life, just like your family is to you. They help her, cheer for her, and are proud of everything she does, like your family cheers for you!


Martina Smith hasn’t talked about a husband, so it’s likely she doesn’t have one. Like in fairy tales, sometimes princes or husbands haven’t shown up yet. That’s okay because Martina is like a strong, happy princess in her own story.

She spends her time dancing, making videos, and being happy. Martina shows us that you can have a lot of fun and share your smile with the world, with or without a prince by your side. She’s busy making her dreams come true. She dances in her castle of followers on TikTok and Instagram.

Martina Smith physical appeal: height, weight, and it’s figure.

Martina Smith is 5 feet 4 inches tall. Her weight is 64kg. This means she’s strong and healthy. She needs that strength for all her video making and dancing.

Martina is like a superhero with a smile, showing everyone how you can be happy, healthy, and have a lot of fun. Her look helps her shine in all her Instagram photos and TikTok videos, making her a bright star on the internet. Martina shows us that being yourself is the best way to be beautiful.

Martina Smith Before Fame

Before Martina Smith became famous on the internet, she did it with her fun dancing. She also did it with her lip-sync videos. Before that, she was like any other kid. Martina loved to play, dance around the house, and pretend she was in music videos.

She enjoyed making her family and friends laugh with her performances. Martina was having fun and being herself. She was sharing her joy with everyone around her. She didn’t realize that, one day, lots of people would love to watch her do that!

Martina Smith Career

Martina Smith found a big, bright world on TikTok. There, she shares videos that make people smile and laugh. She dances, pretends to sing, and even acts like she’s in cool music videos. Lots of people love watching her, so they follow her to see more fun videos. Martina also takes pretty pictures and posts them on Instagram for her friends to see.

Millions of people watched one of her videos, making it very popular! She works hard to think of new, fun ideas so that everyone who watches can have a good time too. Martina’s career is all about spreading joy online.

Martina Smith Financial Journey: An Estimated Net Worth.

Martina Smith creates entertaining videos and captures stunning photographs with dedication. She has become very popular, and lots of people enjoy watching her. Because of her hard work, she has made some money. Imagine saving up your allowance. That’s what Martina has done with the money she earns from being famous on TikTok and Instagram.

She has saved up about $1 million! That’s a lot of money, like having a big mountain of coins. She shows us that if you work hard at something you love, you can save a lot, just like she has.

Martina Smith Famous Reason

Martina Smith became super famous because of a video. In it, she was at an airport acting very funny and relatable.

That’s what Martina did, and more than 10 million people watched it and thought it was hilarious! It’s like when you do something silly and your whole family starts laughing. That moment of fun turned Martina into a star that lots of people wanted to watch and follow for more smiles.

Martina Smith Nationality and religion.

Martina Smith comes from a beautiful country called Colombia. This means she is Colombian. Colombia is a place with lots of mountains, coffee, and happy music. Being Colombian is a part of who Martina is, like how you might be from a place you call home.

Martina’s religion is what some people believe about the world and how to be good to others. Few people have talked about it. Many places have different people. They’ve got many ways to believe in being kind and doing good.

Martina Smith Legacy and Impact

Martina Smith has created a lot of smiles around the world with her videos. Like a pebble thrown into a pond makes ripples, Martina’s fun dances and happy clips spread joy far and wide. She shows everyone that sharing what you love is good. You can love dancing or making silly faces. Doing that can make others happy too.

Martina helps people forget their worries for a little while and enjoy a laugh or a dance. She teaches us that being kind and sharing joy is a superpower we’ve all can have. Think of her as a superhero of happiness!

Martina Smith Future Plains

Martina Smith has lots of fun plans for the future! She wants to keep making her cool dance videos that everyone loves to watch. Martina dreams about dancing in new places. She wants to share these adventures with her friends online.

Martina also wants to make more friends on TikTok and Instagram. She will show them her happy dances and funny moments. Martina plans to learn new dance moves and even teach some dances to others so they can have fun dancing too! She’s always thinking of new ways to make people smile. She spreads happiness everywhere she goes.


  • Martina loves to dance. She dances a lot and it makes her very happy.

  • She enjoys listening to music. Sometimes, she listens to music by Jere Klein.

  • Martina likes making videos. She makes fun videos for TikTok.

  • Traveling is fun for her. She went to an airport and made a funny video.

  • Martina also likes taking pictures. She shares her pictures on Instagram.

  • She visits Dr. Anita for beauty care. It’s like a spa day for her.

  • Drawing is another hobby. Martina likes to draw pictures when she is free.

Interesting Facts About Martina Smith

  • Martina loves to dance and make videos where she moves to music. It’s like playing dress-up and showing it to friends online!

  • She has a lot of people who follow her on the internet because they like what she does. Imagine having a whole stadium full of friends!

  • Martina once made a funny video at an airport, and over 10 million people watched it. That’s like everyone in a big city laughing together!

  • She went to a doctor named Anita to make her face look even prettier with a special kind of beauty treatment.

  • Martina also enjoys pretending to sing songs by pretending the music is her voice. It’s like being the star of your own music show!

  • She joined a place called Instagram in 2021. There, she shares pictures like in a photo album that everyone can see.

  • Julia and Edward are Martina’s mom and dad. They must be proud of her for making so many people smile!


How old is Martina Smith?

Martina is 31 years old.

What does Martina like to do?

Martina loves to dance, makes videos, and takes pretty pictures.

Where is Martina from?

She is from Colombia.

Does Martina have any pets?

The blog doesn’t say if she has pets.

Who are Martina’s mom and dad?

Her mom is Julia, and her dad is Edward.

How tall is Martina?

She is as tall as 5 apples stacked up, which is 5 feet 4 inches!

How many people follow Martina on the internet?

Over 440,000 people think Martina is cool and follow her.


Martina Smith is a cool person from Colombia. She loves to dance, make videos, and share beautiful pictures with everyone. She became famous for having fun and sharing it online, making over 440,000 friends on TikTok. Martina also takes special care of herself. She enjoys many hobbies, like drawing and traveling.

She even made a super popular video at an airport that made a lot of people happy! Martina, talented and hardworking. She has done great things. Many people enjoy watching her dance and smile. Isn’t it amazing how sharing what you love can bring joy to so many?

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